Supreme God

Supreme God is the one who observes, that is the one who perceives, the one who is omniscient and one who bestows Serenity (Shanti), satisfaction. He is the one who is supreme in omniscience and in bestowing Serenity. That is why since times immemorial mankind has always been attracted to The Supreme God who bestows Serenity.

How are deities associated with various organs in Human body?

Every bodily action requires energy. Every energy has a specific name, for instance the energy which induces sneezing is called deity Chakpadi. For e.g. Arka is one of the Names of the Sun deity (Surya). After chanting arka, a majority of seekers feel the sensation in their eyes. Read more »

When is an incarnation known as absolute incarnation?

When The Supreme God assumes an incarnation along with His shaktivyuha, in order to slay demons like Ravan and Kansa who grossly violate Righteousness and remains in the world for sometime even after the task is accomplished, the incarnation is known as an absolute incarnation. Read more »

Why is mankind attracted towards Supreme God?

Supreme God is the one who observes, that is the one who perceives, the one who is omniscient and one who bestows Serenity (Shanti), satisfaction. He is the one who is supreme in omniscience and in bestowing Serenity. Read more »

Why does God assume a form?

Just as in research it is easier to discover something if one follows the technique of going from the known to the unknown, so also it becomes easier to find God’s formless principle from His manifest form. Read more »

When does God broadcast a divine message?

Man can establish contact with God through spiritual practice. Just as one feels like conveying important good or bad news to others so is the case of God. He too wishes to convey messages to man. These are called divine messages. Read more »