Vande Mataram : The National Song of India

‘Vande Mataram’ is well known as the National Song of our country. In this song, the two words ‘Vande Mataram’ have achieved major importance. These are the only words that many freedom fighters remembered while being sentenced to rigorous punishments in Court or being hanged to death. Muslim organisations have objected to this song. Read more »

Intellectual terrorism : A wide net that peddles Anti-India propaganda and Hinduphobia !

Since the demise of the Soviet Union in 1989, communism has lost a clear sense of purpose, ideologically speaking. But even more importantly, the communist parties and intellectuals all over the world, who were propped and funded by the Comintern, lost the patronage of their communist masters in Moscow. Post 1989 most communist intellectuals turned … Read more

Declare the ‘ Hatkatro Khamb ’ in Goa as a National Monument !

Hatkatro Khamb is in the same area where Christians hold fair for Xavier whom they treat as a Saint. This pillar is standing even today as a witness of extreme oppression by Portuguese rulers, of Hindus in Goa; but it is in very bad shape today. The condition of this ‘Hatkatro Khaamb’ is very pathetic. … Read more