These articles explains the importance of sadhana (spiritual practice) through various points such as how performing sadhana is necessary along with abiding by Dharma, how with sadhana the saptachakras (Seven spiritual energy centres) get purified faster, how sadhana from the previous birth contributes towards the sattvik nature of an individual in the current birth and the benefits of performing sadhana on earth when compared with other subtle-regions.
This article explains how the path of sadhana (spiritual path) created by God over various yugs (Eras) has changed according to that particular yug.
This article includes theoretical knowledge on stages in God-realization and how it can be possible for one to establish communion with God.
This article explains the Importance of doing sadhana in Kaliyug. Since we are in a transition period, sadhana performed in this period is twenty times more beneficial than performed otherwise.
This article includes theoretical and analytical knowledge on some components of sadhana, the minimum spiritual level required for obtaining Guru’s grace and its importance
In this article, benefits of Nishkam sadhana (without any expectations) over Sakam sadhana (with expectations from God) have been explained.
This article explains the importance of performing sadhana and awakening of the kundalini under the spiritual guidance of guru. It also highlights dangers which can arise, if the sadhana (Spiritual practice) is performed as per our own wish.
In this article what is sadhana (spiritual practice) is explained and meaning, definition and importance of sadhana are given.
This article explains the importance of human birth and purpose of life in context to sadhana through various points which will help the reader to get an understanding of why performing sadhana is a necessity.