Nude Bharatmata Painting

Insult of Mother India by Hussain

Hussain displays his naked Bharatmata painting on his website

The Painting was displayed at the following link : ( see image no 23)



Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has displayed this image openly on its website so that Hindu brethren become aware of the blasphemy done against their Religion and Nation.

The Bharatmata Nude Paintings Debate on CNN IBN

Artists MF Hussain appears to be in trouble again as Patiala Court has issued a summon to controversial artist of India M F Hussain and a social worker Nafisa Josef Ali on Wednesday 7th Feb 2007. The Patiala Court had ordered them to appear in the court on 6th March 2007.

This controversy raised in 2006 when Hussain’s painting “Bharatmata” (Mother India) figuring a nude woman was displayed on an exhibition organized by social worker Nafisa Ali who works for an NGO. Husain has been in controversies earlier also for portraying Hindu Goddess Durga and Saraswati in nude and in the company of various animals in 1996. His Film Minaxi too faced protests from Muslim Groups in 2004.

One TV Channel has organized a debate on this at their Mumbai studio last year with Dr. Durgesh Samant of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and Nafisa Ali, a social worker. Below is the transcript of that debate:

TV Host: Acclaimed artist M.F. Hussain once again finds himself targeted by Hindutva Brigade, not for the first time, this time for another of his paintings. While joining us for this special discussions from Mumbai, Mr. Durgesh Samant, national spokesperson for Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. Delhi, Nafisa Ali, Social activist involved in the organization of that exhibition. But M.F. Hussain & controversy have coexisted for years. His Latest is the one related to new depiction of Mother India. Saharjama takes the look at the artist’s list of scandals.

Nafisa Ali: Because in Democracy it is very important to hear all sides of the stories and the interest of the cause, which is so serious, which is rehabilitation and rebuilding Kashmir. M.F. Hussain & Saran Apparao, who is the curator of the show, decided in the public interest to withdraw the painting from public view. But it is already sold. So the cause is benefited. The painting is sold and it is a beautiful painting, I personally think that in a female form in all its purity its what Bharatmata is depicted. Unfortunately people have seen it as a naked woman. But it is the purest form.

TV Host: Female form, in it’s purest form Mr. Samant, you want to react to that, why look at this painting purely in the terms as a insult to Bharatmata, why not look at it as Hussain’s tribute to womanhood.

Dr. Durgesh Samant: Now the thing here is the painting called ‘Bharatmata’, it has been mentioned as a painting of Bharatmata. And if you see the painting it is one with the land. So there is no question of womanhood here.

TV Host: What is your biggest concern, would you believe Husain is insulting by doing a painting which is his expression of womanhood.

Dr. Durgesh Samant: Yes. He is insulting national pride.

TV Host: Who decides that ? Does the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti decide what constitute national pride or should the people of India decide that?

Dr. Durgesh Samant: Now here we have expressed, as freedom of expression is there for an artist, so also its there for those who want to criticize it. So we have criticized. We have put across our point, it’s up to the government to decide which side is correct.

TV Host: So it is your point of view, your opinion, Nafisa, why is it M.F. Hussain does this time after time he brings out such a painting, caught controversies then ends up apologizing it almost seems that it is manufactured at one level.

Nafisa Ali: M.F. Hussain is really a very old and senior citizen of India. His son is really very sick and all this happened and he was so concerned for his son’s health. He says that, if there is any issue please its fine just withdraw it. There is no problem. And I am sorry if it is hurt any hindutva brigade and for me also it doesn’t really matter because ‘..

TV Host: Why apologies? Hang on. Hang on. You have said in the start of this programme that you believe it shows womanhood in its purest form. Then why get defensive? Remove the painting, why should Mr. Husain apologise?

Naffisa Ali: Mr. Husain did it in the interest of democracy I believe that his prerogative whether he wanted to withdraw it or not. I was personally proud of the paintings because if you see the paintings’it so symbolic to what India needs. It needs the power of the female to come forward for a futuristic India, which is really hampered by a male dominance.

TV Host: What it is particularly that about artist in Hussain, that gets you angry. Fact that he is Muslim, is that where the problem steps? If anyone else has done these paintings would you have shown the same objection?

Dr. Durgesh Samant: Yes! Yes! It is not because he is a Muslim. If he is a Muslim and he has drawn Goddess & Bharatmata fully clothed we would have appreciate in much better way. But ha !’ he has not done so. If anybody else irrespective to any religion had drawn a naked Bharatmata, we would have objected it.

TV Host: Nafisa Ali, you have worked in a creative field, where does creative freedom really end and responsibility to a larger society begin. Can we draw those lines ?

Nafisa Ali: As watching the topic you are discussing about the Clemencho, the ship, I think it is more important that the Hindu Jagran Manch & the chief minister of Gujarat, act in all interest in the welfare of those common poor people, who go there for work. More important than to protest a painting, which is anyway sold. So there is really no issue and it is been apologized and the exhibition is over.

TV Host: I think you made useful point. Mr. Samant why not focus on the real issues of the country. Why go around this country, burning paintings?

Dr. Durgesh Samant: That’s what I’m coming to, one important thing is that our all protests were silent, no violence, no burning paintings, etc. Secondly the issue that the painting is sold is very sad from the lookout of inculcation of values in our children and all next generation! Do we want to sell Bharatmata naked & earn money ( for ) some cause? Will the earthquake victims like it? It’s not the issue of the Hindus. It is the issue of all Indians.

Nafisa Ali: Killing of the fetus, maligning of a girl child, this is the issue that India is really played with. And that’s what we should be working for.

TV Host: We don’t want to be diluted by the heat that is generated. I think there is a crucial question where does creative expression how far really can you take creative expression in a democratic society. Thanks for coming up and giving two points of view.

One TV Channel has organized a debate on this at their Mumbai studio last year with Dr. Durgesh Samant of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti and Nafisa Ali, a social worker. Below is the transcript of that debate:

TV Host: Acclaimed artist M.F. Hussain once again finds himself targeted by Hindutva Brigade, not for the first time, this time for another of his paintings. While joining us for this special discussions from Mumbai, Mr. Durgesh Samant, national spokesperson for Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. Delhi, Nafisa Ali, Social activist involved in the organization of that exhibition. But M.F. Hussain & controversy have coexisted for years. His Latest is the one related to new depiction of Mother India. Saharjama takes the look at the artist’s list of scandals””’.

Nafisa Ali: Because in Democracy it is very important to hear all sides of the stories and the interest of the cause, which is so serious, which is rehabilitation and rebuilding Kashmir. M.F. Hussain & Saran Apparao, who is the curator of the show, decided in the public interest to withdraw the painting from public view. But it is already sold. So the cause is benefited. The painting is sold and it is a beautiful painting, I personally think that in a female form in all its purity its what Bharatmata is depicted. Unfortunately people have seen it as a naked woman. But it is the purest form.

TV Host: Female form, in it’s purest form Mr. Samant, you want to react to that, why look at this painting purely in the terms as a insult to Bharatmata, why not look at it as Hussain’s tribute to womanhood.

Dr. Durgesh Samant: Now the thing here is the painting called ‘Bharatmata’, it has been mentioned as a painting of Bharatmata. And if you see the painting it is one with the land. So there is no question of womanhood here.

TV Host: What is your biggest concern, would you believe Husain is insulting by doing a painting which is his expression of womanhood.

Dr. Durgesh Samant: Yes. He is insulting national pride.

TV Host: Who decides that ? Does the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti decide what constitute national pride or should the people of India decide that?

Dr. Durgesh Samant: Now here we have expressed, as freedom of expression is there for an artist, so also its there for those who want to criticize it. So we have criticized. We have put across our point, it’s up to the government to decide which side is correct.

TV Host: So it is your point of view, your opinion, Nafisa, why is it M.F. Hussain does this time after time he brings out such a painting, caught controversies then ends up apologizing it almost seems that it is manufactured at one level.

Nafisa Ali: M.F. Hussain is really a very old and senior citizen of India. His son is really very sick and all this happened and he was so concerned for his son’s health. He says that, if there is any issue please its fine just withdraw it. There is no problem. And I am sorry if it is hurt any hindutva brigade and for me also it doesn’t really matter because ‘..

TV Host: Why apologies? Hang on. Hang on. You have said in the start of this programme that you believe it shows womanhood in its purest form. Then why get defensive? Remove the painting, why should Mr. Husain apologise?

Naffisa Ali: Mr. Husain did it in the interest of democracy I believe that his prerogative whether he wanted to withdraw it or not. I was personally proud of the paintings because if you see the paintings’it so symbolic to what India needs. It needs the power of the female to come forward for a futuristic India, which is really hampered by a male dominance.

TV Host: What it is particularly that about artist in Hussain, that gets you angry. Fact that he is Muslim, is that where the problem steps? If anyone else has done these paintings would you have shown the same objection?

Dr. Durgesh Samant: Yes! Yes! It is not because he is a Muslim. If he is a Muslim and he has drawn Goddess & Bharatmata fully clothed we would have appreciate in much better way. But ha !’ he has not done so. If anybody else irrespective to any religion had drawn a naked Bharatmata, we would have objected it.

TV Host: Nafisa Ali, you have worked in a creative field, where does creative freedom really end and responsibility to a larger society begin. Can we draw those lines ?

Nafisa Ali: As watching the topic you are discussing about the Clemencho, the ship, I think it is more important that the Hindu Jagran Manch & the chief minister of Gujarat, act in all interest in the welfare of those common poor people, who go there for work. More important than to protest a painting, which is anyway sold. So there is really no issue and it is been apologized and the exhibition is over.

TV Host: I think you made useful point. Mr. Samant why not focus on the real issues of the country. Why go around this country, burning paintings?

Dr. Durgesh Samant: That’s what I’m coming to, one important thing is that our all protests were silent, no violence, no burning paintings, etc. Secondly the issue that the painting is sold is very sad from the lookout of inculcation of values in our children and all next generation! Do we want to sell Bharatmata naked & earn money ( for ) some cause? Will the earthquake victims like it? It’s not the issue of the Hindus. It is the issue of all Indians.

Nafisa Ali: Killing of the fetus, maligning of a girl child, this is the issue that India is really played with. And that’s what we should be working for.

TV Host: We don’t want to be diluted by the heat that is generated. I think there is a crucial question where does creative expression how far really can you take creative expression in a democratic society. Thanks for coming up and giving two points of view.


Is nudity the purest form of femininity ? Well, Nafisa Ali does feel so, do you feel that way ?

The most pure aspect of femininity lies in Motherhood. Motherhood is the greatest gift of Ishwara to mankind. Ishwara’s potential energy of preservation manifests through motherhood. So where does feminine nudity come into picture ? In any civilised society feminine nudity is an aspect of seduction, not purity. Even in the most downtrodden and backward cultures it is found that motherhood is revered in the clothed form. The purest form of Mother India is according the status of Goddess Durga to her the motto being Service to Mother India is Service to the divine mother’s holy feet. The contradiction in Nafisa’s statement lies in the fact that being a Social Activist herself, she is supporting feminine nudity in context of artsitic freedom ! Will Nafisa extend her philosophical concept of depiction of nudity as purity of womanhood to the pornographic actors and actresses ?

Some responses we got from our petition page –

(Note: Hindu Janjagruti Samiti does not own or author these comments and they do not necessarily indicate the viewpoint of Hindu Janjagruti Samiti. They have been published to highlight seriousness of Indian Hindu Sentiments, which have been hurt by the Bharatmata Painting)

1. ‘I would request Madam Nafisa Ali to perform all her Social work in the nude so that everyone might know her purest form too !’ – Shri Rajendra Patil (Maharashtra)

2. ‘Does Husain feel that Bharatmata is Madhuri Dixit ?’ – An angry college going Student at Andheri.

3. ‘Dear Sir/Madam, I have a very short message that if muslims can agitate so much for caricature of Mohammad, then why should MF Hussain do such things to hurt the sentiments of people of other religion. If he is really creative then why his creativity comes out for Hindu Gods only why not a naked Mohammad, Pagamber etc intead of naked Saraswati Bharat Mata etc. I think we should ask him about making a similar picture for Mohammad Pagambar etc. ‘ Regards Vinay Khare

4. ‘MF Husain should be hanged till death’ – Mr. Rajan Panigrahi

An interesting comment by HJS Site Visitor

Even the painting of bharatmatha is missing a large portion of Kashmir. It is more like an Indian map drawn by a Pakisthani , rather than by an Indian. – Kiran

Published on page no. 23 of the weekly, INDIA TODAY (February 6,2006 issue) is an advertisement about the Global Auction of “Mother India”!. This advertisement states For the first time an International Web Art Auction (for more details visit or call 09841022477, 981204883) will be combined with a live countdown across Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Singapore and London in aid of ACTION INDIA for its efforts of the reconstruction work in the earthquake affected areas across Kashmir.This advt. is titled as ART FOR MISSION KASHMIR’ and what it actually contains is a painting of Mother India by M F Hussain as a naked woman in an exposed position with the names of Indian States on various parts of her bare body. Not only does the image show Mother India in a manner hurting to the proud citizens of India, but it also shows her hand, a part of North Kashmir Chopped off or invisible!

Due to protests by Hindu Janjagruti Samiti and VHP, Hussain apologised(?), but no apology letter has yet been received officially. Nafisa Ali the Social Activist claims that the painting is sold, whereas Sharan Apparao the Auctioner says that the painting has been withdrawn! 1 billion Indians and Hindus in particular have been fooled by this gang. Besides, Hussain has now displayed the naked painting of Mother India on his own website, a shameful act after all these events. This clearly shows he has no respect for the Sentiments of devout Hindus and Indians. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti will not rest in peace till this modern Gazni is put behind the bars.

Other blasphemous paintings of Hindu deities

These links will take you directly to the pages where the obscene paintings have been kept for sale for millions of Rupees. All these years this 21st Century Gazni has been carnalising Hinduism and fostering the equation “Hinduism =Nudity” abroad.

Note – Since the following links to paintings are of external sites, some links may not be functional over the period.

The blasphemous Hanuman series

The blasphemous paintings of Hindu deities

MF Hussain’s hypocrisy !

 After Naked Bharatmata Husain Painted ‘Rape of India’

MF Husain's painting 'Rape of India' on Mumbai Blasts displayed in ‘London Art Gallery’
MF Husain’s painting ‘Rape of India’ on Mumbai Blasts
displayed in ‘London Art Gallery’
Nude ‘Bharatmata’ Painting by MF Husain

Why should we protest against Nude Bharatmata painting ?

  1. Representing India as a woman being raped, is nothing but terrible denigration. For an Indian, ‘Bharat Mata’ (Mother India) is a Goddess and not some figurative concept and showcasing her in this manner is highly outrageous and a completely unacceptable form of denigration.
  2. It would be appropriate to ask MF Husain if he would have dared to make a similar painting had there been an attack on the UK, the UAE or Qatar and named it the ‘Rape of UK, UAE or Qatar’ ? (Husain has recently become a citizen of Qatar)
  3. What is MF Husain’s sick fascination for having sex with animals ? Why does he repeatedly superimpose his dirty minded eroticism on Deities ?
  4. Why has he split the canvas in half ? Does he want to suggest that India will spilt ? Why this divisive implication that India will crumble under attack ?
  5. Why has he painted the blood that has been spilt in the colour green ? And also the two bulls with green faces. The offenders of the cowardly terrorist attacks that India is facing, are the people who are symbolized by the colour green, and not the other way around. Does he expect the Islamisation of India ?
  6. India has been wounded by innumerable terrorist attacks. Instead of expressing her pain, MF Husain has humiliated her and has added insult to her injury by showing her being raped and that too with the perverted suggestion of an animal straddling her and of a man pulling at her blouse and staring at her breast.
  7. If MF Husain is truly an artist (as claimed by the artist community) and that all his thoughts about being outraged by terrorism were genuine, then why does he not paint others being nude and having sex with animals ? But as we have observed he depicts only India and Hindus in this manner.
  8. Thus, for these reasons this painting is unacceptable to an Indian and it hurts and rapes our sensibilities.

Some questions we need to ask ourselves !

  • Why do intellectuals and the art world continue to applaud MF Husain’s perverted endeavours and still paint him as an ‘artist’ ?
  • Has the collective mind of our social elite plummeted so deep, that on the one hand it puts men like MF Husain on a pedestal and on the other, summarily rubbishes a call for purity and feelings of national pride ?
  • That we are actually debating this issue and not taking immediate action against MF Husain is the very reason why India has been attacked for centuries and has instead only been hospitable to our invaders. Do we still want to continue to function in a manner that does not even recognize an assault on our collective consciousness in the form of this obnoxious painting ?

What you can do ?

As this is gross disrespect to Bharatmata everybody should register their protest with the Government and compel the Govt. to book him for this huge offense.

  1. Send the protest letter immediately to the Government to book him for hurting our National sentiments and to withdraw all his Padma awards and in addition initiate a court trial of this anti-National individual.
  2. Form a group or personally lodge a Police complaint with this news that has been published in newspapers.
  3. Force quick action from the State Govt., local MP, MLA and public representatives.
  4. Write letters to Art gallerias not to exhibit any of his work.
  5. Write to local newspapers and News channels about the incident so as to create awareness.
  6. Create awareness through the internet via Emails, forums and Blogs.
  7. You may print this page and distribute it amongst your friends, relatives and general public.
  8. Boycott all his supporters for example Hotels displaying his paintings along with newspapers and TV channels that support him.

Special appeal to Advocates – File court cases against Husain in your local courts and intimate us upon doing so.

Special appeal to Journalists – Do not be mute spectators of this despicable imagery of the ‘Rape of India’.

Special appeal to the artist community and art gallery – Boycott MF Husain from your community and send your protest letter to Government and don’t display MF Husain paintings in any exhibition.

अब भी जिसका खून ना खोले, खून नही वो पानी है …चंद्रशेखर आज़ाद


What does Shri Rahul Iswar feel about this painting ?

Shri. Rahul Iswar ji is the grandson of former chief priest of Sabarimala temple, Kerala.

Husain claims ‘Rape of India” is a response to terror attacks in Mumbai.

  • In America there were terrorist attacks, would he paint the Rape of America in this fashion ?
  • In Pakistan, terrorist attacks occur as regularly as twice a week, why doesn’t he paint the Gang Rape of Pakistan ?
  • Holy Mecca was attacked by terrorists once, will he dare paint the Rape of Mecca ?

Read blog on this issue by Shri. Rahul Easwar ji


HJS Letter to Kerala Government


Reg No: 1540/1-634, 12-11-2002, Ponda Goa


Date: 13-May-2007


M A Baby,
Education and Culture minister
Government of State of Kerala

Subject: Appeal to withdraw the Raja Ravi Varma Award to M.F Husain

Dear Sir,

On behalf of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, a Committee working for religious awakening and unity of Hindus (more details at we take this opportunity to communicate to you. We recently came to know that M F Hussain has been selected for Kerala government’s prestigious ‘Raja Ravi Varma Award’ as announced by yourself the education and culture minister, comprising Rs.1.25 lakh in cash prize, a citation and a plaque and would be presented to Hussain on his birthday on September 17.

We were shocked to know about it, as Husain has been wanted by Indian police and the Courts, as per the various news been reported in the media. Few of the latest developments are

 1. M.F. Husain loses home over nude ‘Mother India’

2. Police attach M.F. Husain’s property in Mumbai

3. USA Hindus strongly protest M.F. Husain:

4. Husain’s exhibition cancelled; Exhibitor booked! Painting Confiscated !

5. As per news
the Central Home Ministry has directed the Police Commissioners of Mumbai and Delhi to initiate appropriate action against the anti-Hindu painter M F Husain. His Bharatmata painting is under scrutiny by the UPA government. And bureaucrats are also unwilling to give a go-ahead to any public exhibition of this artwork.

It appears that you are not fully aware of the nature of Husain’s paintings and the worldwide ongoing protests against them. We invite you to take a look at some of the denigrating paintings by Husain and the worldwide protest campaign, spearheaded by our organization in alliance with, at and at Here you will see that Mr. Husain has a history of repeatedly and callously hurting Hindu sentiments by depicting Hindu Deities in lewd, compromising positions and is currently under Indian Government scrutiny for treason for depicting the Indian Motherland (Bharatmata) as a nude woman. So also you can see the paintings of Goddess Laxmi, Goddess Saraswati and Sita by Raja Ravi Varma and Husain. You can yourself very well compare the same and understand the pervert ness of Husain. You can see that over 29,000 people around the world have registered their protest against M. F. Husain, demanding a stop to all public display and auction of his works.

Since the inception of this protest campaign in November 2005, India and various parts of the world are witnessing intense agitations against M. F. Husain. Agitations that include over 1250 formal police complaints, 7 court cases, burning of Husain effigies, citywide strikes, rasta bunds (road blocking), as well as several protest demonstrations in the US and UK. At times, the inaction and passivity of the Indian media and government forced the agitators to lose patience and take a violent turn, as in the case of an attack on the Husain-Doshi art gallery, mob destruction of public property in some cities in India, and public announcements of rewards for maiming or killing M. F. Husain, as well as the closing of the Husain paintings exhibition in Asia House gallery in Oxford Street London after protest demonstrations and a vandal attack.

Husain has also invited the displeasure of Muslim leaders and various Government officials from around the world. For example, Ruth Bennett, Acting Public Affairs Officer of the US State Government responded to our protests outside Christie’s in NY: ‘Thank you for alerting us to your concerns over the auction of paintings by artist M. F. Husain in New York.  I appreciate that his work is controversial and has angered many.’ Ms. Bennett advised us to make our views known to auction houses perpetrating Husain’s paintings. Muslim religious leaders, too, have condemned Husain (a so-called Muslim) and put up prize money for maiming him, for his denigrating paintings, which are considered as essentially against Islamic principles. The honorable courts of India have already summoned and issued warrants against Mr. Husain in various cities like Indore, Delhi, etc., since mid-March 2006, for hurting religious sentiments and creating communal disharmony. That is why; M. F. Husain has been cited as absconding to UK. The details of all these news can be seen at

If there is anything that the worldwide violence over Prophet Mohammed’s caricatures has taught us, it is that religious sentiments are the most sacred of all to those who follow any religion. Denigrating them as the likes of Husain and the Danish cartoonists have done, or disregarding them as the likes of the Danish press and or art galleries perpetrating Husain’s paintings have done, can incite communal disharmony if not widespread violence. That is why, the UN ex-Secretary General, Kofi Annan in view of the crisis over caricatures of Prophet Mohammad has advocated that, “We must stress that rights carry with them an inherent responsibility, and should not be used to degrade, humiliate or insult any group or individual.”

As one can plainly see, M. F. Husain has abused his freedom of expression. Selecting him for Kerala government’s prestigious ‘Raja Ravi Varma Award’ would be as good as disregarding religious sentiments, thus abetting the perpetration of communal disharmony and violence. Should he be allowed to enjoy elite status and fortune, when even the Indian courts and the government are holding him guilty for hurting Hindus’ religious sentiments?

We urge you to follow in the footsteps of the esteemed ‘Bombay Art Gallery’, in Mumbai (India) that, in response to the protests of Hindus, cancelled the Lifetime Achievement (Roopdhar) felicitation of M. F. Husain at the hands of the Maharashtra Governor, who too, declined to felicitate Husain. Withdrawing the Ravi Varma Award to M.F Husain will go a long way in not only preventing insult of Hindus but also the great Raja himself who’s aesthetically beautiful and ethereal paintings of Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati adorn the ‘Puja’ room of almost every religious Hindu in Kerala.

We expect your prompt reply and action in this regard.

Dr. Manoj Solanki
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
(Hindu Awareness Forum)
Goa, India

Cc to.

1. President of India- for information and intervention
2. Prime Minister of -India for information and intervention
3. Chief Minister of -Kerala for information and intervention