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Dharma perspective on ‘Call to convert 100 Muslim girls if a Hindu girl is converted’

Bhadrapad Shuklapaksha 3, Kaliyug Varsha 5116 

It is better to see that no Hindu girl gets entangled in fanatics’ forceful overtures in the first place ! Nobody has heard about a Muslim girl being converted ! – Editor

Hindu-loyalists, note that the task of protection of Dharma undertaken by you, should be as per Dharma-shastra !


Few pro-Hindu activists feel that love jihad’ should be retaliated by kidnapping Muslim girls which is imprudent and thoughtlessness. They try to justify such thought by giving example of a saying ‘Krunvanto Vishwam Aryam’ from ‘Rigved’ meaning – "let us make the whole world as ‘Arya’. The saying has more expansive meaning that – let us make this universe a refined, cultured place; therefore, answer to ‘love jihad’ as kidnapping of girls following other Sects is not good culture.


Here, one needs to take into account even the following viewpoint.

1. As per Hindu Dharma-shastra : Like other religions, Hindu Dharma is not based on feeling of hatred; but it is based on science. It is nowhere advised in Hindu Dharmashastra

2. As per moral principles : It is wrong to take revenge of a rape by another rape; similarly, it is wrong to kidnap Muslims girls because Muslims kidnap Hindu girls.

Hindu-loyalists should not therefore, think at an emotional level and instead of increasing Hindu population in such manner, efforts should be made to see how can all be motivated to abide by Hindu Dharma; else propagating things that are against Dharma, will amount to sin.

Source : Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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