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Representations to Charity Commissioners in 9 Districts to inspect personally 484 petrol pumps and for giving concessions to poor patients

Campaign undertaken all over India on a single day for the benefit of the society undertaken

“Surajya Abhiyan’ to eradicate social malpractices and transforming it into Surajya (Ideal State)

Adv. Neelesh Sangolkar

‘Common people having a very high place in the democracy are having a very tough time. Every citizen has to face a different problem every moment. The day starts in the morning with adulterated milk. Thereafter while going to the office, while buying a ticket, not getting the change in return, robbing on toll points, corruption in the office, black marketing for getting a gas cylinder for domestic use, various types of looting by traffic police by scaring the vehicle drivers quoting various sections of law etc. he has to face various problems. On this background we have to work to establish an ideal Ramrajya or Hindu nation like Hindavi Swarajya of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

In order to achieve that, we have to expand the mission and start a movement opposing corrupt and anti-national people and system. The Surajya Abhiyan will give priority to oppose people who are corrupt, creating hindrance for public, looting people on the ground of providing various services etc. The aim of this campaign is to make common man get the benefit of all Government schemes meant for social benefit, to educate consumers (Every element in the society) about his rights.

Representations given in 8 States demanding actual inspection to stop the cheating of consumers on petrol pumps and appointing a controller to check the …..

Currently many incidents of consumers’ cheating are coming to light The Government has provided many facilities on petrol pumps for consumers. Giving actual visits to local petrol pumps to find out whether the conditions laid down by Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry and Petroleum companies were being carried out. According to the Consumer Protection Law, there is binding on the owner to avail consumers of the facilities to make tests to check the purity of petrol by conducting some tests. So some tests also were performed during these inspections.

1 A. Demand to provide a transparent pipe for filling the petrol or diesel in the vehicle

The pipe on petrol pump is not transparent it is black, hence we cannot know whether really the petrol is being filled or just a sound is heard. If the pipe is transparent then the consumer can see the petrol being filled and malpractices can be averted. It is not expected from consumers and samiti’s volunteers to tell the management of petrol pump; but some Government officials do not work in the interest of public. Hence they are not particular to check the petrol pumps at random to see whether they implement the conditions laid down for them or not. Therefore 484 petrol pumps in 35 districts in 8 States namely, Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Bihar were checked under Surajya Abhiyan from 8th to 10th December to find out whether Consumer rights and the rules laid down by Petroleum companies are taken care of. For this Abhiyan, a letter was sent to ‘District ….. Officer’ requesting him to guide by participating in the Abhiyan.

1 B. ‘Filter paper test’ for checking the purity of the petrol

Purity of petrol can be checked through filter paper test. As per the rule it is available at the petrol pump. 2-4 drops of petrol if taken on the filter paper, they evaporate in no time; if the paper is clean then the petrol supplied is pure. If it gets stained, then impure. If the petrol is impure then keep that test-paper safe with you. A complaint to that effect can be made from the telephone at the petrol pump on ‘Toll-free’ number. We can even send the complaint in writing to the …….Consumers should check the purity of the petrol alertly. Consumers should make use of their rights in day to day life and should create awareness among people in that regard. During this Abhiyan this test was conducted on petrol pumps.

1 C. A measuring jar to measure petrol or diesel

5 litre can is available at petrol pump to check. If a consumer is doubtful about the filling, then then he can use that measuring jar. (Example – if a consumer has asked to 1 lit petrol/diesel in his vehicle, and he has a doubt about the quantity, then he can check it using 5 lit. can.

Letters A,B,C,D on this measuring jar. A is for January to March, B is for April etc. Every 3 months later the department of …. Check the measuring jar. It is mandatory for pump manager to get it checked as per the month.

This jar was checked by the Abhiyan. You can also do so in the petrol pumps in your area and create awareness.

1 D. Density test for checking density of petrol and diesel

It is mandatory for the manager of a petrol pump to check the density of petrol and siesel with hydrometer and thermometer and maintain a ‘Density Reading Register to note down the name of the consumer. If any petrol or diesel tanker comes on any day then it is mandatory to check its density and note it down in the register. Every consumer has this right to check the density. This was done in the campaign of Surajya Abhiyan.


Volunteers checking the register of density on a petrol in Jharkhand

1 F. ‘Toll-free’ number for registering your complaints

You will see a ‘Toll-free’ number on every petrol pump; See that is at suh a place that consumer can see that easily. See whether the telephone works. Telephones in some petrol pumps were found closed during the campaign of Surajya Abhiyan.

1 G. Filling air must be free at petrol pumps : Consumers can demand to have the air filling machine. This also was checked by Surajya abhiyan.

1 H. Clean water for drinking is mandatory

Clean water and toilet facility is mandatory. Many places the water-tank is rusted, unclean. Toilet too is dirty.

Statement to advertise the facilities given by the Government in the hospitals run by Trust for poor and below the poverty line patients !

As per the order given by Mumbai High Court (PIL no. 3132/2004) poor elements in the society (Below the poverty line) 10 % cots are reserved and to treat them freely is mandatory. For those whose income is more than 50 thousand and less than I lac get 10% reservation of cots. They are treated giving concession. This board has to be kept at the entrance of the hospital. When such hospitals run by trust were checked, these boards appeared to have very small letters. So a representation was given to the Assistant Charity Commission in 9 districts in Maharashtra to give order to trust run hospitals to place the boards with big letters and at the entrance.

In the second step a representation is going to be given to Assistant Charity Commission with an intention that, ‘To create awareness among the society about the names of such hospitals in the district their names should be published on a board’.

Citizens have to be vigilant to control malpractices. We must study all these points as a consumer. We need to be alert to stop the social malpractices. The surajya that we desire to establish must have every citizen alert and ready every moment. Every citizen should be aware of his rights and he must get the benefit of Government facilities. Every citizen should be independent, is the motive of this project.’

Adv, Neelesh Appasaheb Sangolkar, coordinator, Surajya Abhiyan.

Recognise burning problems in your area

All of us are experiencing that the current administration has become inactive and useless. We have to create anger and faith in people to fight against injustice; because they have lost hope of .seeing the continuity of corruption and malpractices. So make a list of all problems in your area pertaining to problems like looting, cheating, corruption in Government offices, hospitals, education, police, courts etc. That information will be useful to create awareness among people and to get justice.

Contact : Adv. Neelesh Sangolkar

Email ID : [email protected]

Contact no. 9595984844

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