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Kolhapur: Hindu organisations lodge complaint with police against MLA Amol Matkari

Will Mitkari dare to make fun of ‘azaan’ ? – Sunil Ghanavat, Coordinator-HJS, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh States

Mumbai: Does Amol Matkari have guts to make fun of ‘azaan’ as he made fun of ‘mantras’ recited during the ritual of ‘Kanya-daan’, asked Mr Sunil Ghanavat, the State Coordinator of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) for Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh. A complaint has been lodged against MLA Amol Mitkari at Gandhinagar police station of Kolhapur on behalf of all pro-Hindu organisations on the 21st of April 2022. Devout Hindus Vikram Chougule and Ajit Patil have lodged this complaint. The other devout Hindus present on the occasion were Mr Raju Yadav, Virag Kari, Prakash Mudugade, Anil Dalvi, Shrikant Shinde, Ajit (Appa) Patil, former Gram-panchayat member Nivas Yamagar, current Gram panchayat member Ramesh Waingade, and Shivananda Swami and Babasaheb Bhopale of HJS.

Mr Sunil Ghanavat said that Amol Mitkari has used such language in his speech which would create hatred in a certain group of society. Unfortunately, most of the people sitting on and in front of the stage were Hindus. Even then, Mitkari’s communal statement was enjoyed by them laughingly. By opposing people who are against the use of loudspeakers on mosques on one hand and by making fun of Hindus’ religious rituals hurting religious sentiments of Hindus on the other hand, Mr Matkari has shown which vote-bank he is taking care of and which ‘vote bank’ he hates.

Mockery of religious rituals in Hindu Dharma will not be tolerated ! – All pro-Hindu organisations

It has been stated in the complaint lodged on behalf of all pro-Hindu organisations that anyone and everyone starts making a mockery of religious rituals of Hindu Dharma but it will not be tolerated now.  Agitations will be staged, lawfully, against such things. If Jayant Patil, the Water Resources Minister, and Dhananjay Mundhe, Minister of Social Justice, who were on the stage, support people trying to create hatred in society, will there be social harmony? MLA Mitkari has tweeted that ‘Vacha Maunasya Shreshtham’ which is a superficial statement, but why the politicians are committing the same mistakes, again and again, needs to be pondered over. Mitkari is not ready to apologise for what he did by distorting a Sanskrut shloka. In fact, he should publicly apologise.

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