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Ban on carrying metallic things in Siddhivinayak Temple

Phalgun Krushna Chaturthi, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

Hindus must realize the outcome of ‘governmentalization’ of temples

Mumbai: Ban has been imposed on carrying a steel container with ‘prasad’ for offering to the Lord in the Government managed Siddhivinayak Temple. Mr. Mangesh Shinde, the executive officer of the Temple Trust, has made an appeal to the devotees that they should not carry camera, laptops or other metallic things in the temple. (Such rulers will, tomorrow, ban even carrying coconut, flowers, udbatti, camphor etc. Why the rulers do not take some concrete action for eliminating terrorism rather than imposing ban on the devotees? What right such rulers have to remain in power ? – Editor SP)

Today being ‘Angaraki Chaturthi’, more than 1000 policemen have been deployed for guarding the temple. Police and persons working in the temple have been issued 3” X 4” size identity cards. Special attention has been paid to the security measures as nearly 15-20 lakhs devotees are expected to visit the temple on Monday and Tuesday. (Hindus must realize that it is going to become difficult for them to have ‘darshan’ of God in tension-free atmosphere in the regime of secularists ! – Editor SP)

Source: Daily Sanatan Prabhat

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