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A sincere appeal to the Lawyers who have pride in their Society, Nation and Dharma

Phalgun Shukla Dwitiya, Kaliyug Varsha 5112

For the upliftment of society, Nation and Dharm, many advocates have greatly contributed in the struggle for freedom and even thereafter. advocates such as Lokmanya Tilak, Swatanrtyaveer Sawarkar, Swami Vivekanand etc. used their legal expertise solely for advocating Nation and Dharma.

The rotten state of affairs in the country has not changed even after 64 years of Independence. People are suffering due the inertia of the rulers. Under such circumstances, O Advocates ! if you stand up for the implementation of any of the issues given further relating to Society, Nation and Dharma, being the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens. It will surely help at least to some extent in removal of injustice caused to the citizens. Thus, it will help in serving the Nation as also you paying off some of your dues towards the society.

1. Filing public interest litigations against the State regarding fake (counterfeit) currency notes : anti-Nationalists have circulated fake notes on large scale in our country. Thus, police hold guilty a common man who is found possessing fake notes. If a comman man deposits money in bank and some fake notes are found in it; the bank staff does not accept these fake notes. Thus, they make a common citizen suffer monetarily. The so called reason for this is, ‘if it is communicated to the police that you were found possessing fake notes, they (police) will come after you. This is unjust. Rationally, it is the duty of the State to see that fake notes are not circulated in the currency, to prevent and punish those who bring fake notes in circulation. Still innocent common people are suffering as the state is not doing it’s duty properly. Therefore to file public interest litigation in High or Supreme Court against the state.

2. Filing public interest litigation against suspected corrupt people after procuring information of their wealth : By obtaining relevant information about corrupt officers, politicians, ministers and their relatives from the connected departments under the Right to Information Act, to clear the corruption rampant in all the fields.

3. Filing public interest litigation for procuring the money taken outside of the Nation : If the black money which anti-Nationals have taken abroad is procured back; the foreign loans on our country can be repaid. For this purpose, in the interest of Nation, filing public interest litigation in High or Supreme Court against the state.

4. To legally execute those responsible for the syllabus containing the false history and anti-National and anti-Dharma lessons : The text books that are being taught in the schools and colleges contain false history and anti-National and anti-Dharma lessons. In order to legally execute the responsible officers, getting relevant information under Right to Information Act and legally punishing them.

5. There are many orders given by the High Courts or the Apex Court  in the interest of general public. These are not followed by some irresponsible govt. departments (e.g. sound or water pollution). To initiate legal proceedings against them.

6. Fighting legally against those who write/makes false statements solely with the object of extinguishing Hindu culture (sanskruti) and Hindu Dharma ( e.g. false and baseless statements made by Digvijay Singh against pro-Hindu organisations)

This is an exemplary list of the injustices caused onto the society. You may be aware of such other injustices also. Advocates who want to serve the Nation and dharma vis-a-vis any of such subjects free of any charges may contact Adv. Ramadas Kesarkar, (Honourary legal adviser to Sanatan Sanstha) on Mobile 9404956012, email – [email protected]

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