Mumbai (Maharashtra): The last date for expressing public opinion regarding ‘The Maharashtra Black Magic and Superstitions Bill of 2005’ is 30th August 2007.
Naagaav (Maharashtra): This exhibition was inaugurated on August 13th, 2007. Shri. Sridharpant Dhodiram Shinde, an ardent Hindu of Naagaav broke the coconut while H. B.…
Pune (Maharashtra): Felicitation of Adv. Ujjval Nikam by patriots at Pune. In that program Adv. Nikam said the For immediate implementation of punishment a change…
Kolhapur (Maharashtra) : In order to acquaint the common public with the atrocities perpetrated on the Hindus in Kashmir and to expose the bitter truth…
Mapusa (Goa): FACT exhibition organized by HJS in Bastoda, Goa to create awareness in Hindus.
Pune (Maharashtra): Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) submitted a representation to the District Collector of Pune for prevention of denigration of national Flags.
our Hindu brethren in Kashmir are being cruelly murdered; the terrorists are assaulting our mothers and sisters. This photo exhibition organised by the Hindu Janajagruti…
Chopda: Doctors agreed that it was a mistake as they had no knowledge on the issue and assured to immediately remove such tiles.
Thane (Maharashtra): Shri. Ramesh Shinde the Spokesperson of HJS and seeker of Sanatan Sanstha will represent HJS.
Belgaum (Karnataka): Photo-exhibition on atrocities on Hindus and terrorism in Kashmir will be held on behalf of HJS and VHP in association with FACT during…