How to fill the Personality defect Removal Chart ?

In the previous articles we have learned the importance of identifying our personality defects. Dear children, now we shall learn how to fill the 'personality-defect removal chart'

1. Nature of the 'Personality defect removal chart'

Prepare a Personality defect removal chart for jotting down mistakes you commit throughout the day. Take a double page. Make three columns on each page.

2. Method of writing the chart

Column 1 : This should include – mistake, inappropriate action, reaction or thought. Begin by writing the tithi (date as per Hindu lunar calendar) and date in brackets, horizontally.

A. Write down your mistake, inappropriate action, thought and reaction that you have realised (or have been made aware of by others) throughout the day. If others have made you aware of the mistake, then mention that clearly.

B. Also write down the consequences of the perceived mistake.

Column 2 : Duration of the mistake, wrong action, wrong reaction or thought. Write down after how long you became aware of the mistake. This will be clear from the following two examples.

A. If a child who is studying, realises after 3 hours that the material on the study-table was not kept tidily after completing studies, then while writing it in the chart, in the 'duration' column he should write '3 hours'.

B. If a girl is angry with her mother for an hour, then in the 'duration' column, she should write '1 hour'.

Column 3 : Personality defect – Introspect and find out due to which 'personality defect' mistake occured and mention it in this column. Some mistakes occur due to more than one defect. At that time, all those defects should be entered in this column.

Column 4 : Autosuggestion / remedy to perform the right action or right reaction.

A. Frame an autosuggestion with the right action, right thought or right reaction and write it down in this column.

B. To be able to overcome the mistake, if you know the remedy then write it down in this column. For example, a glass bottle slips from the hands of a boy and breaks. The defect in this incident is 'carelessness' and he should write autosuggestions in that context. Also, he can use a plastic bottle instead of a glass henceforth. He can write this down as the remedy and implement it.

Column 5 : When writing the number of autosuggestion sessions in the entire day also note down the timing of each session. (For example, first at 7 a.m., second at 10.30 a.m., third at 2 p.m. etc).

Column 6 : Progress – On a particular day, if you realise that you have been successful in reducing the intensity or frequency of any particular defect, then write it down in this column. For example, 'formerly I had to be made aware of this mistake by others, but now I myself been able to become aware of it'. The day you realise that you have made progress in overcoming a particular defect, fill the column 'progress'. At such times, all the other columns in this row will remain empty.

At times, by making your mind aware of your defects, you may feel depressed. Filling the progress column will provide you with inspiration to overcome your other defects and you will not feel depressed.

The day you have nothing to write in the progress column, leave it empty. Do not write negative terms such as 'nothing', 'none' etc. In that column, because writing such negative terms might make you feel unhappy.

Children, let us start filling the personality defect removal chart from today itself to overcome our defects faster and acquire God's grace.

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